Salon Messina Sustainable Hairdressers

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10 Simple Things To Know Your Hair Salon Is The Best In Town

How do you know if your salon is the best or still the best salon in town? Next time you visit your salon ask yourself these 10 questions and decide if you really are truly happy with your hair.

  1. Are you greeted when you enter the salon?

    As you walk through the door are you greeted by warm smiles or an eerie silence? It can be quite uncomfortable walking into a salon even of you have been going there for years. Are you put at ease and made to feel invited in as you open the door?

  2. Is the salon clean?

    How clean is the salon really? Are the mirrors smeary or shiny? Is there hair collecting in the corners and dust on the drawers? Are the staff cleaning up as they go? I don’t mean is the salon a showroom, as this is impossible in a busy salon (or should be) and a showroom is a little impersonal don’t you think?

  3. Is the service and haircuts consistent across multiple visits?

    After a few visits to a salon you learn to expect a certain level of service. Is this level the same across multiple visits? Did you have a 20 minute shampoo on one occasion and a 5 minute shampoo the next time? Are you never sure what mood your stylist is going to be in or what length they are going to cut off this time? Does your blonde tend to be different shades of yellow or brass depending on the day of the week you go in?

  4. Does your stylist still give you styling tips, advice and new ideas?

    Are your conversations with your stylist just about family and holidays or what drunken antics they got up to at the weekend? Yes we love talking about all the fun stuff but are you still getting advice on how to blow dry your fringe to sit how you want it. Does your stylist suggest trying new shapes or tones as the seasons change? Do you actually get what you want or asked for?

  5. Are the clients and staff chatting freely with one another?

    There is nothing better than a lively salon. Trust me, hairdressers love a busy and chatty salon. We love talking to our clients and sharing experiences across a salon with other clients & staff. We really love having banter with other staff members, sharing a joke or taking the rise out of that one staff member (all in good fun of course.) Is your salon like that or do you spend the whole time glued to your phone scared to make eye contact with everyone?

  6. When your sitting in the chair is the stylist completely focused on you?

    Do you feel forgotten or ignored, even when someone has there fingers in your hair? When your sat in that chair, it should all be about you! And even if the stylist is checking on another clients colour or giving instruction to a junior you should still feel like the centre of there attention.

  7. Is the salon full of high end quality products?

    What product does the salon use on your hair? Are they using poncey overpriced rubbish or cheap branded rubbish? Doesn’t your hair deserve better? If they hairdresser has respect for there work and your hair, they should be using quality product. It might not be the cheapest but they should know every thing about that product. How it works, what it does to your hair and how best to use it on your hair. As an additional point, is it a sustainable product? Cruelty free and vegan freindly?

  8. Do the staff get on with each other?

    Are the staff helping each other out and working closely together to make you look and feel fantastic? Can you see the senior team teaching the younger team, helping them grow into amazing hairdressers? Or have they all had a big argument in the staff room and ignoring each other?

  9. Does the salon have an Ethos?

    Does your salon have a purpose and a reason why they do what they do? Are they focused on sustainability, crafting the best haircuts & colours and training & education or just getting to the end of the day to get home? Do they talk about where the business is going and constantly striving for growth?

  10. Do you have to wait for an appointment?

    And finally, do you normally have to wait a few weeks for an appointment when you phone up to book or even have to book 2 or 3 in advance? Or can you just phone up and get an appointment with your chosen stylist that day every time you want your haircut? If you went to a top restaurant you’d expect to have to book and what a few weeks or even months for a table, shouldn’t your salon be the same?

So there you go, 10 things to look out for next time you visit the salon to know if they are the best salon in your town.